The Health Benefits Of Iberico De Bellota
The Health Benefits Of Iberico De Bellota
The Health Benefits Of Iberico De Bellota

Can anything this wonderful be this healthy? Absolutely. Remember that this is a ham from an extraordinary pig who traces his lineage back to the time of the cavemen. The Cerdo Ibérico has quite a different DNA than the meat of run-of-the mill pink pigs you are used to buying. In addition, their diet of herbs, grasses and acorns are a significant factor.

But remember, this combination of genetics and diet only comes to full fruition in Jamon Ibérico de Bellota - hams made from Ibérico pigs that lived part of their lives feasting on acorns in the oak forests of the Dehesa.

The fat of Ibérico Bellota ham contains over 55% oleic acid (a mono-unsaturated fatty acid). Rigorous scientific studies have shown that these fats exercise a beneficial effect on cholesterol in the blood by increasing the amount of good (HDL) cholesterol and reducing bad (LDL) cholesterol. Only virgin olive oil has a higher oleic acid content.

The total proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in cured Iberico hams that have consumed a diet of acorns is over 75%, making it the most "cardiohealthy" of all animal fats, even healthier than some fats of plant origin. The breed of pigs is not the only explanation; their staple diet of acorns and grasses also plays an important role.

Jamón Ibérico de Bellota provides many vitamins which nourish the nervous system: B1, B6, B12 and folic acid. It is also rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, and in minerals such as copper, essential for bones and cartilage; calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and finally, selenium, which has been attributed with antiaging properties. Ibérico bellota ham can be included in low calorie diets.

A ham that has a sublime flavor; is made from humanely treated animals; and is actually good for you.

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