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Pata Negra

Binagoongang Baboy


Binagoongang Baboy

9 Septembre 2015

Bagoong Alamang also known as shrimp paste is a kind of condiment from fermented shrimp, which is usually served as a side dish and often added in many Filipino dishes such as the famous Kare-Kare ... Riesling Grand Cru Winzenberg...

Arroz tres delicias al vapor


Arroz tres delicias al vapor

9 Septembre 2015

Gambas, tortilla y jamón son las tres delicias de este plato oriental pensado para los occidentales. RIESLING 2013

Butter With a Side of Bread



Butter With a Side of Bread

9 Septembre 2015

Holiday food is great and all but a fun tradition we have is to make specialty drinks, particularly for New Year's. Italian Cream Sodas are a favorite of mine but they are so overpriced at ... Crémant d'Alsace Rosé

pez sin cabeza y sin órganos se resiste a morir




pez sin cabeza y sin órganos se resiste a morir

9 Septembre 2015

Cuarenta minutos después de haber sido sacado del mar y cortado en dos partes el pez podía moverse. Era capaz de causar temor entre las personas, pese a que no tenía escamas ni órganos internos. Colis Épicerie fine Bio

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